We Put The Special In Special Education
Welcome to the Small Business University ~ Special Education Compliance and Training LLC and its online school Special Education Training Center provide commercial-off-the-self (COTS) special education eLearning courses both in asynchronous webinars and synchronous training. Our eLearning courses, Special Education Reteach Lecture Series, Curriculum/Course Development, Special Education Audit Team Consultants, Coaching, Research, New Teacher Mentorship Program, Surrogate Parent Training, Special Education Students Tutors- Remote ONLY, Special Education Counseling - Remote ONLY, Supervision -Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (Interns & Trainees), Instructor-led training, Key Note Speakers, Trainer-of Trainers, and face-to-face training are provided to companies, governmental and state agencies. Accessible 24/7 days a week. The website accommodations are accessible through acessiBe.
68 learners
Enrolled -
4 hours
Video duration -
27 hours
Course duration -
4 Ebooks
Free of charge

Join my school and you won't regret it..
I am a Certified Life Coach with a holistic approach that brings clarity, direction, and positive support for my clients. I help you live your best life, by filling the gap between where you are now, and where you want to be. By identifying where growth is desired, setting goals and objectives, and holding accountability, you will reach your highest goals and dreams.
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