These recent events present us with an urgent challenge—as an association, discipline and profession, and individual psychologists—to bring our expertise to bear to address the range of underlying problems these events represent from discrimination to racism, which have resulted in long-standing social, economic, and political inequalities, from police brutality, to the disproportionate spread of the coronavirus among black and brown people, to the soaring unemployment rates among communities of color.
APA is urging psychologists to share their thoughts and recommendations for using the power of psychology to address the “pandemic of racism,” both in the short and long term. As part of that process, we must also exam our role as a field and as an association in perpetuating these ills.
The association’s vision is to address this issue on three levels. Across all three, APA’s ability to form partnerships with other organizations and stakeholders, as well as tap into the broad expertise of our members, will be critical.
Acting with thoughtful urgency, APA is committed to taking actions that not only garner attention now, but also have sustainable and long-lasting effects. It will take all of us committing to addressing this critical issue in order to help move our nation forward.
If you have thoughts and recommendations on how psychology can help ameliorate this crisis, submit them to us online.
Sandy and A.C.E.Approved Provider
Texas Education Agency (TEA)
American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA)
National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) PENDING
National Association of Social Workers (NASW) PENDING
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