About Us

Special Education Training Center provide commercial-off-the-self (COTS) special education eLearning courses both in asynchronous webinars and synchronous training, Special Education Reteach Lecture Series, Curriculum/Course Development, Audit Team Consultants, New Teacher Mentorship Program, and Counseling & Tutoring, Accessible 24/7 days a week.

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More than 20 video hours
What we offer

Get Closer to Your Goals


Enhance your learning experience by providing interactive 

Learning Material

Training materials that support the learning experience.

Certificate of Completion

Certificate of Completion upon passing the Post-Exam. 

Our Core Team

Special Education Training Center (SETC) TEAM members are highly qualified professionals, widely acknowledged in the field of special education and related fields.

SETC Team members have professional license and certifications in the following areas:
1. Licensed Specialists in School Psychology (LSSP)
2. Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC)
3. Licensed Social Worker (LMSW) 
4. Educational Diagnostician
5. School/Special Education Counselor
6. Reading Teacher (Elementary) 
7.  Special Education Teachers ($EC- 12th) 
7.  Mediation Expert
8. Drug Counselor Intern

Courses  Catalog